Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Strategies on Firefighting Tests

The firefighter exams from ntn firefighter practice test (National Testing Network) typically involve multiple tests and evaluations. The exams are part of a multi-tiered hiring process designed to identify and sift candidates around to pick out the best that fire departments deem ready to enroll in a fire academy.

The written firefighter exam is usually the first step in the firefighter hiring process, after filling out an application. Written firefighter exams test candidates in a variety of subject areas

Many candidates have taken the test in the past and were not so successful. This highly intensive custom-designed practice test includes over 300 in-depth practice examination questions specifally developed for firefighting examinees.

These days, some have arranged to devise some straightforward strategies that could finally increase the number of successful examinees. Here are some of them.

Old exams review

One of the best methods of preparing for an upcoming exam is to reflect on the errors made in the past exam. This is very useful if you have already had a previous exam in the same course.

However, it is a helpful process even when you are looking at exams from other courses.

As you look at your previous exams, notice your errors like not following instructions, perhaps, writing incomplete answers, did not study enough and other mishandling.

Once you see the patterns in your errors, you can start to develop strategies for addressing them.

Be informed about the exam

The more you know about the format and essay, an open book, emphasis of an upcoming exam, the better.  Unless there had been some drastic changes, the format of the older exams can give you a clue on the format of the forthcoming exam

You would have some inkling whether there would be some multiple choice questions, some type of short answer, or an essay type.

Develop a study plan

Creating a study plan two or three weeks before an exam will allow you to avoid cramming and reduce stress. A calm mind is a clear mind which can help you recall old lessons easily.

Prepare a topic list of all the topics you think will be in the exams. You may find it helpful to consult your course outline or your lecture notes.

Delete the topics from your list after you have finished reviewing them. This helps boost confidence.

Organizing materials for review

It is important to understand both the details and large concepts of the course material.

It can help to see the relationship between various concepts in the course.

You can use many note-taking and diagramming methods to help organize your materials. Comparison charts are good for learning the similarities and differences between concepts.

Mind mapping, numbered lists, flow charts, outlines and headings can help a lot in understanding the total picture of the lesson.

Practice as you perform

Try to replicate as much as possible the conditions of the exam-writing situation. Find or make-up practice questions of the type you think will be on the exam.

Try to find or create practice questions. Answer the chapter review questions in your textbooks. Work under timed conditions. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

FCTC Practice Test


If you want to become a firefighter, it is imperative that you need to take the FCTC practice test. The test had been prepared so that you can cover a wider ground than the real one. It is intentionally designed to really have you show your knowledge and skills.

Likewise, the fctc practice test can help you because it gave you the opportunity to be able to study harder because of the wider grounds given to you and is designed to be harder than the actual one.

With the fctc practice test and the study guides provided for, the help shall be a big boost to the preparations of firefighter aspirants.


As firefighters, there are several academic disciplines that you need to brush up on. The main reasons are that as firefighters in the field, you sometimes have to give some form of medical service to victims.

These would include some fundamental knowledge of such educational disciplines as biology, chemistry, mathematics, mechanical reasoning, and the physical sciences, all of which you had some background in high school.

Study guide

It is important to emphasize that no one can become a firefighter without passing the written test. This is almost like the California written test practice-based format which is an essential tool for your success.

Here are some of the various components of the test to maximize your preparations. There are several distinct selections where you shall prepare the entirety of the test that tends to last two and a half hours. 

Visual and verbal information

Two short videos are presented to test your ability to comprehend and recollect audio and visual information. You will need to remember facts (number of people, number of men compared to number of women, names, and other facts).

When you arrive at the scene of an emergency, you need to quickly digest the unfolding scene around you and make the correct decisions to save lives.

Written materials

This section gives you 30 minutes to review texts at the beginning of the test process. For example, recent texts might include an essay on global warming. It is not possible to reference the texts within the course of the question and answer part.

When you become a firefighter, you need to recall and apply the information you have learned during your arrival at the scene. This could include identifying hazardous materials, understanding the building materials or recalling the appropriate emergency medicine to provide.

Mechanical reasoning

This section uses videos and a test booklet to assess your ability to accurately identify specific details within mechanical examples. Some sample topics include; belt and pulley systems, rope and pulley systems, levers and gears and others.

Firefighters must know how to read and comprehend maps easily and others like building blueprints, diagrams and instruction manuals.

Mathematical equations

During the test, there will be a variety of mathematical equations, including multiplication, geometry, angles, area, and volume to name a few.

Math certainly plays an essential role in firefighting. This is needed for many tasks like calculating pump pressure, calculating the size of the building, and many others that uses numbers.