Thursday, April 22, 2021

Popular Abbreviations and Terms That May Help Aspiring Firefighters


Apart from doctors, nurses, engineers, cops and teachers, firefighters are also considered  essential members of the community, because their work scope stretches beyond what we normally think of firefighters. In reality they don't just fight fires but they also aid in search and rescue efforts during disasters, respond to medical emergencies and provide overall public safety. If you'd like to become a firefighter, first you need to study hard for the entrance firefighter written exam, as well as learn the common firefighting terms and abbreviations. 


As mentioned earlier, firefighters don't just fight blazing fires, but they respond to medical emergencies too. That's why aspiring firefighters need to learn how to perform CPR, or cardiopulmonary resuscitation. 

CPR is a medical procedure wherein a emergency medical technician (EMT) creates artificial circulation via chest compressions that pump blood through the heart, and by breathing through artificial respiration. You'll find this term commonly used in the entrance firefighter written exam. 


Hazmat is an abbreviation for hazardous materials, or toxic materials, which firefighters should extinguish, or place under control, as these pose a threat to people and the environment. 


This firefighting term stands for Pull-Aim-Squeeze-Sweep. PASS is a convenient way for firefighters to remember how to operate fire extinguishers, as you Pull the pin, Aim the nozzle, Squeeze the handle and Sweep the extinguisher back and forth across the fire. 


PAT stands for Physical Ability Test, which is a timed exam that evaluates the applicant's physical fitness, strength, flexibility and endurance. This ensures that applicants don't just pass the entrance firefighter written exam but are physically capable of undertaking the rigors of firefighting duties. 


PPE stands for personal protective equipment, or the special clothing that firefighters don to protect themselves from heat, smoke and flames. 


SCBA stands for self-contained breathing apparatus, which is a device that supplies firefighters with clean, breathable air when they're in a toxic or smoke-filled environment. 

Crowd Control

This phrase or term refers to a public security practice wherein large crowds are managed to prevent stampedes, riots or disorderly assemblies. Crowd control is also essential in preventing crowds from gathering in a fire scene, and preventing firefighters from easily reaching affected areas. 

Spontaneous Combustion

This refers to a phenomenon wherein a chemical substance suddenly bursts into flames without any apparent cause. 

Stop Drop and Roll

This is a simple, yet popular fire safety technique that's often taught to children, search and rescue personnel as well as industrial workers as a part of health and safety training in North America and other English-speaking nations. 

First Responder

First responders are individuals who are trained to be the first to arrive and provide help at accidents, medical emergencies natural and man-made disasters. These include policemen, paramedics and firefighters. 

There are but a few of the many terms, phrases and abbreviations that every aspiring fireman should know. As firemen have a truly unique way of speaking, gaining knowledge of these (and the other) firefighting terms and abbreviations should help applicants ace the entrance firefighter written exam  of your local fire department!